The same bundle of paper so people

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The same bundle of paper so people

Post by JoYnSE33O44 »

You stayed in recently and I asked you which side of the shower the shampoo was on you would probably know That's what you didn't even comment on. So we do it naturally. Back to your question the mistake a lot of people make is they read words so they listen to them like they're in conversation. Now I want you to ask yourself I just said something interesting about hotel bath soap but can you paraphrase exactly what I said? No.

The Power of Visualization If you stop to think about that hotel can you go back Phone Number List to that image or can you go back to that image on your mother's nightstand? Of course. So the words themselves are thrown away but the meaning and visualization are very relevant. This is essentially the key to the technique if you want to retain what you read you need to transform it into highly visual and highly imaginative images.


That's it I mean I absolutely can't tell you a single line from Benjamin Franklin's autobiography but I can picture for you him pushing a wheelbarrow through the streets three or four times a day with would think he sold more Lots of newspapers. I can tell you my impression of him getting caught borrowing books and why he brought the concept of a public library to life. Ollie it's because you're a visual person do you imagine what it looks like when you're reading are you reading the book and then creating that image in your mind Jonathan yes we're all visual people.
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